Classes you trust. An instructor you trust.

Safety & efficiency in every workout.

What's included with the subscription?

The full on-demand library of PILATES & BARRE classes PLUS a new class added every week AND bonus classes of HIIT & more,

all led by certified instructor Kate Cherichello.

Classes range from 20-45 minutes each.

From my living room to yours, this isn't the place to feel intimidated. No fancy studios, just you and me. Here, we meet wherever we are, listen to our bodies, and appreciate the fact that we showed up for ourselves in our living room, hotel room, or squeezed in between a bed and a wall in an NYC apartment (I've been there!). Workouts that are challenging for all levels because I hold this in high regard: progressions and constant movement, but also modifications and encouragement to take breaks whenever desired.


-The library focuses on offering advanced workouts BUT all have plenty of modifications for someone brand new to working out. I have had people take these classes who have never been in a fitness class before and love it. I have had people take these classes who have worked out with me for years and still found them to be challenging and efficient. I hold 'challenging but accessible' in very high regard. After over a decade of working with beginner and advanced participants in the same workout class, I love finding ways to make classes work for a wide range of people. 

-I am obsessed with safety and modifications -- so whether you've been working out for years or are brand new, you'll be able to join in and get a strong workout.

-The library contains classes from March 2020 through now, with more added weekly, therefore there may be references to the time at hand. For instance, 'the last class of the year' with holiday decor behind me will be available to you any month of the year :)

Subscribe for the On-Demand Library & Weekly New Classes!


Send Kate an email: kcherich at gmail dot com


Please use any advice at your own risk. Always check with a doctor before starting an exercise routine or changing your food intake.

Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Exercise can be dangerous and can result in bodily injury. Any injury you sustain as a result of this or other videos, training sessions, and/or live or recorded content and writings is solely your responsibility. Kate Cherichello disclaims any liability from injury sustained from the use of any video, writings, other content, training sessions, and any and all conversations or guidance. You should consult a physician before beginning any training program.

My mission is to help people be the best they can be.

Hi! I'm Kate. I have always lived a life that has involved keeping many balls in the air at once. How have I been successful and still happy and healthy? By finding ways, through trial and error, to make small but significant changes over the years to maximize time, health, and priorities. And I have a passion for helping others be their best selves, with the overarching focus of safety, efficiency, and effectiveness.

I have over a decade of experience working with Manhattan’s top execs, media moguls, and celebrities. From people who have never worked out to former college athletes, my clientele has run the gamut--and I love all of the varied backgrounds and personalities with whom I have been lucky enough to interact.

Knowing the value in taking the time to listen and work as a team is something I hold in highest regard. In working with clients, I want to get to the heart of your HOW and WHY: How your current life looks and feels to you, and Why you want to take the steps to making life-long positive changes.

I love the motivation, energy, and back-and-forth with participants that come with teaching. Reach out with questions and comments. I love hearing from you!

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